Advanced calculations:

Please note: Terms in squared brackets represent the keys on your keyboard.

Percentage calculations:

Example Input Result
Calculating an add-on. 150 + 20 percent. 150 [+] 20 [P] [Enter] [Enter] 180
Calculating a discount. 180 - 20 percent. 180 [-] 20 [P] [Enter] [Enter] 144
What are 30 percent of 120? 120 [P] 30 [Enter] [Enter] 36
Calculating the percentage of change between two values. Example: A stock price rises from 120 to 156. What´s the percentage of change? [D] 120 [Enter] 156 [Enter] 30%

Please note: You can also use the [%] key instead of the [P] key.

Sales Tax Function (TAX+ / TAX-):

Example Tasteneingabe Ergebnis
The net price is 200, the tax rate is 20%. What´s the gross price? 200 [+] [T] [Enter] 240
The gross price is 240, the tax rate is 20%. What´s the net price? 240 [-] [T] [Enter] 200

Please note: The tax rate has to be stored in the memory M1.

Square root:

Example Input Result
What´s the square root of 9? 9 [W] 3

Change the sign (+/-):

Example Input Result
Turn a positive number into its negative equivalent. 1 [V] -1

Please note: Pressing [V] for a second time, changes the negative number back into a positive number.
