
Click on the "Print / Edit" button to show the print preview. In this screen you can print, save, load and delete calculations or you can add comments. You can also adjust several printing options by clicking on the button "Print options". Click on the "Cancel" button to go back to the main screen.


Click on the "Print / Edit" button to show the print preview screen and on the "Print" button to start printing. You can also print the virtual paper tape from the main screen by pressing the [F11] key.

Printing options:

Click on the "Print options" button to select the following options:

1.) Define the default printer used by WinCalc PRO.

2.) Define the font used for printing. The following fonts are available:

Courier New (9, normal):              1234567890
Courier New (9, bold):                1234567890
Courier New (10, normal):        1234567890
Courier New (10, bold):          1234567890
Courier New (11, normal):    1234567890 (standard font)
Courier New (11, bold):      1234567890
Courier New (12, normal): 1234567890
Courier New (12, bold):   1234567890

Please note: The settings will be saved automatically after exiting the printing option menu by clicking on the "Cancel" button.

3.) Create an individual letterhead. Your input will automatically be saved after exiting the letterhead menu.
